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Bahrain TV Launches New Identity

In case you missed all the hype yesterday: Bahrain woke up today to lamp post ads announcing the launch of the new Bahrain TV Identity. I was one of the few who caught the launch on snapchat and I honestly like the change.

Isn’t is strange that I could not find ONE single article online talking about this new redesign?

Actually, let me rephrase: I could not even find THE NEW LOGO of Bahrain TV anywhere other than their official Twitter Page @btv_bh.

I am disappointed there was not even a mention of it in the local newspapers either. Maybe I was blind, but I honestly think this blog is the only place online talking about the new Identity. Anyway…

I like the change. Is it groundbreaking? No. But compared to the previous logo designs Bahrain TV went through in the past, I believe this is the most appropriate one yet. Clear and straight to the point. Nothing fancy or complicated.

The infamous red was of course used a long with sleek smooth calligraphy lines. It's shape is nice and decent too. Yep, I like its simplicity.

The lamppost ads were pretty to look at as well. I have no clue if there were other ads placed anywhere else (trust me, I did search).

The Double Exposure Effect done in photoshop to achieve the artworks on the lamppost could have been more artistic and clearer, but as a local I must say that it is still appealing. The choice of colors are spot on, creating emphasis on the logo itself. The marriage of the “human element” and local landmarks is always people pleasers. Whoever came up with the concept knows how to positively address the Bahraini audience.

We are promised new hip programs that will attract the youth. Baraa Abdulla announced on his Facebook page that his new show called VG55” is among one of the new shows to be aired. Hosted by himself and others, it is going to talk about what’s new in the gaming world both locally, regionally and internationally. I know I am super excited for this one. Today the 1st episode aired (Nov 10th 2016) and it covered the biggest gaming and pop culture events in Bahrain. Another promising show is Al Dar by Shaima Rahimi. I caught the ad in the morning and I LOVED the quality, direction and production of the ad. Very professional. If you do get a chance to put BTV on, you will notice the crisp clear image and sound quality too.

I am proud of the new change BTV undertook.

Was it needed? Drastically.

Did it hit the spot? Yes it did.

Was the design “WOW”? No, but in the TV Logo World, it is perfect.

Yalla, let’s hope the people at Radio Bahrain’s 96.5FM wake up and smell the coffee too.

Watch the official Promos here:

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